クリニックF 院長 藤本幸弘 英文論文(筆頭著者のみ)
Fujimoto T, Tabata A, Kinugasa Y:Metabolic syndrome treatment with an advanced EMS sevice:Obesity Facts 2015;8(suppl 1):P91
Fujitmoto T, Ito S, Tujino S, Kanazawa H: Comparison Study Of Rapid Repetition Rate And Continuous Near Infrared (Nir) Light Devices: Detection Of The Different Reactive Oxygen Species Induced Oxidative Stress In Skin During Irradiation, Respectively:Lasers in Surgery and Medicine: Vol.47(S26) March 2015:p9-10
〇アジアンスキンに対するCO2フラクショナルレーザー治療後の新規ビタミンC GOVC の併用経験
Fujimoto T, Nagata T, Yoshioka M, Ito S, Masaki H, Kanazawa H Effects of Novel Vitamin C Derivative GO-VC, After Treament of Fractional CO2 Laser in Asian Patients Lasers in Surgery and Medicine: Vol.46(S25) March 2014:p9
Fujimoto T Metabolic syndrome treatment with the ACBODY low-frequency rotating stimulation device Bio Clinica 29(4), 2014,p76-83
Fujimoto T, Imai Y, Tei Y, Ito S, Kanazawa H, Yamaguchi S High temperature heat source generation with 4-6W power level quasi-cw (continuous wave) semiconductor lasers for medical use J Biomed Opt 2014;19(10):101502
Fujimoto T, Imai Y, Tei Y, Yamaguchi S Development of A Semiconductor Laser Based High Temperature Fine Thermal Energy Source in an Optical Fiber Tip for Clinical Applications Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 52 052501
Fujimoto T, Imai Y, Tei Y, Fujioka T, Yamaguchi S High temperature heat source generation with a very low power level quasi-cw(continuous wave) semiconductor laser for medical use SPIE2013-Proceedings 856569
Fujimoto T, Ito S, Ito M, Kanazawa H, Yamaguchi S Induction of different reactive oxygen species in the skin during various laser therapies and their inhibition by fullerene. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine: Vol.44(8):pp685-94.
Fujimoto T, Hayashibara S Eyelid skin tightening for Asian skin: Conoarasuib stydy of Fractional Laser devices: Lasers in Surgery and Medicine: Vol.44(S24):p18.
Fujimoto T, Yamaguchi S, Kanazawa H, Ito S Detection of the different reactive oxygen species induced oxidative stress in skin during 1550nm & 1927nm Fractionated Laser therapy: Lasers in Surgery and Medicine: Vol.44(S24):p61-62
Fujimoto T Clinical evaluation of 1550nm and 1927nm laser delivered by fractional for Asian patients of melisma and acne scars: Lasers in Surgery and Medicine: Vol.43(S23):p970
Fujimoto T Comparison of low fluence Q-switched alexandrite laser versus Q-switched Nd:YAG laser for the melasma treatment of Asian patients: Lasers in Surgery and Medicine: Vol.42(S22):p81-82
Fujimoto T, Ito S, Ito M Fullerene is Effective against Wrinkle: Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology:Vol.62: AB22
Fujimoto T, Ito S, Ito M Anti-oxidant property of Fullerene is Effective in Skin Whiting e: Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology:Vol.62: AB54
Fujimoto T, Ito S, Ito M Effect of Fullerene as an Anti-Oxidant During Laser Therapy: Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology:Vol.62: AB149
Fujimoto T The action of antioxidants, Fullerene on laser therapy of pigment spots: Lasers in Surgery and Medicine: Vol.41(S21):p78
Fujimoto T Clinical evaluation of 1440nm and 1320nm multiplex Fractional laser (Affirm multiplex) delivered by microarray for treatment of photo aging for Japanese skin: Lasers in Surgery and Medicine: Vol.40(S20):p88
Fujimoto T, Ito S, Ito M ESR analysis of free radical generated by Fractional resurfacing laser (1440nm) Lasers in Surgery and Medicine: Vol.40(S20):p88
Fujimoto T Skin resurfacing utilizing a 2.79um Er:YSGG (Yttrium Scandium Gallium Garnet) laser for Asian patients: Lasers in Surgery and Medicine: Vol.40(S20):p97
Fujimoto T The Treatment of Photodamage and Facial Rhytids Utilizing Fraxel(1550nm Erbium Glass Fractional Laser Resurfacing) and Thermacool TC (Monopolar RF) in Japanese Patients: Lasers in Surgery and Medicine: Vol.39(S19):p60
Fujimoto T Non-ablative Treatment of Melasma utilizing a Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser peel assisted with a topical carbon photoenhancer lotion, and adjunctive treatment with 633 nm Red Led Light: Lasers in Surgery and Medicine: Vol.37(S17):p82
Fujimoto T, Nishiyama T, Hanaoka K. Inhibitory effects of intravenous anesthetics on mast cell function. Anesth Analg. 2005 Oct;101(4):1054-9
Fujimoto T Non-ablative Skin rejuvenation, Q-switched Nd:YAG Laser assisted with carbon suspended lotion: Lasers in Surgery and Medicine: Vol.39(S19):p59
Fujimoto T, Nishiyama T, Hanaoka K. A case of ectopic pheochromocytoma of pulmonary origin Masui. 2004 May;53(5):537-9. 2003年
Fujimoto T, Sato Y, Sasaki N, Teshima R, Hanaoka K, Kitani S. The canine mast cell activation via CRP. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2003 Jan 31;301(1):212-7.
Fujimoto T, Nishiyama T, Hanaoka K. Seizure induced by a small dose of fentanyl. J Anesth. 2003;17(1):55-6. No abstract available.
Fujimoto T, Meguro K, Hase K, Nagatsuka C, Kasahara M. Anesthetic management of the elderly patients with femoral neck fracture by sevoflurane and femoral nerve block Masui. 2000 Jun;49(6):630-3.
Fujimoto T Budgell B Uchida S Suzuki A Meguro K Arterial tonometry in the measurement of the effects of innocuous mechanical stimulation of the neck on heart rate and blood pressure J.Autonomic Nervous System 75:109-115,1999